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Educational areas

We place great emphasis on the holistic approach to education and draw on the support of experienced educators.

Art Education

Music,dancing and acting, visual arts

Somatic Education

Body, physical activity, health

Social Education

Social learning, values and philosophy of life, democracy

Mathematics Education

Discovery of regularities, understanding of numbers, geometry

Linguistic Education

Non-verbal communication, speech, writing and media

Science Education

Nature, ecology, technics


The child learns the law of balance.


The child learns to grab and experiences the shape, size and character of the materials.


The child learns conscious perception by sight.


The child leanrs conscious perception by hearing.


The child leanrs to solve challenges on his own and to think in contexts.

We are

Children do not play to learn, but they learn, because they play.

Your best partner for promoting early childhood education - play and learn with fun. We offer innovative products and educational toys. Through diverse, complementary play concepts and play instructions, valuable learning products are created according to a holistic approach to education.

Hochwertige und robuste Qualität für langen Spieleinsatz

Innovationen und Spielkonzepte am Puls der Zeit

Eigene und innovative Produkt-entwicklung

Kindgerechte Förderung mit hohem Spaßfaktor beim Lernen

Familienunter-nehmen mit sozialer Verantwortung

Internationales Bildungsnetzwerk aus Praxis & Wissenschaft