Additional material
When you choose a beleduc product, you get more than just a toy. We have prepared supplementary material for many products for use in kindergarten, daycare, after-school care and elementary school. Here you will find all our additional materials for practical use.
Additional materials
11013 DE-Insektenhotel.pdf (Document, 1.57 MB)
11013 EN-Insect hotel.pdf (Document, 2.02 MB)
11013 Poster_Puzzle-Varianten_DE_EN.pdf (Document, 5 MB)
11014 DE-Tierwissen_Bastelideen.pdf (Document, 4.22 MB)
11014 EN-Animal_Knowledge_Crafting_Ideas.pdf (Document, 5.99 MB)
11180_Ausmalbilder_Match_Mix_Monster.pdf (Document, 5.49 MB)
11558_Ausmalbilder_SAVE OUR PLANET HELDEN.pdf (Document, 1.72 MB)
11558_EN_Profiles_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HEROES.pdf (Document, 5.1 MB)
11558_Steckbriefe_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HELDEN.pdf (Document, 5.06 MB)
17062 DE-Dino Wissen.pdf (Document, 3.46 MB)
17062 Dino Poster.pdf (Document, 0.97 MB)
17062 EN-Dino facts.pdf (Document, 3.46 MB)
21024 Soundbooklet.pdf (Document, 6.01 MB)
22390_Ausmalbilder_Banditti.pdf (Document, 0.27 MB)
22400_Ausmalbilder_Monkey_rallye.pdf (Document, 2.74 MB)
22600_Ausmalbilder_Little_village.pdf (Document, 0.59 MB)
22615 DE-Klimaschutz.pdf (Document, 6.03 MB)
22618 DE-Tiersteckbriefe.pdf (Document, 12.33 MB)
22618 EN-Animal profiles.pdf (Document, 12.33 MB)
22618_Ausmalbilder_SAVE OUR PLANET HELDEN.pdf (Document, 1.72 MB)
22618_EN_Profiles_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HEROES.pdf (Document, 5.1 MB)
22618_Steckbriefe_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HELDEN.pdf (Document, 5.06 MB)
22700_Ausmalbilder_Happy_Magic.pdf (Document, 11.51 MB)
22701_Ausmalbilder_Hexenküche.pdf (Document, 11.51 MB)
22860_Ausmalbilder_Punakai.pdf (Document, 1.3 MB)
22870_Ausmalbilder_Acrobatico.pdf (Document, 3.65 MB)
22900_Ausmalbilder_El_gecko.pdf (Document, 0.98 MB)
22901_Ausmalbilder_MORMELS_1-10.pdf (Document, 2.56 MB)
22902_Ausmalbilder_MORMELS_1-10.pdf (Document, 2.56 MB)
22911 DE_Tiersteckbrief.pdf (Document, 2.43 MB)
22911 EN_Animal profile.pdf (Document, 2.44 MB)
22911_Ausmalbilder_SAVE OUR PLANET HELDEN.pdf (Document, 1.72 MB)
22911_EN_Profiles_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HEROES.pdf (Document, 5.1 MB)
22911_Steckbriefe_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HELDEN.pdf (Document, 5.06 MB)
22912_Ausmalbilder_SAVE OUR PLANET HELDEN.pdf (Document, 1.72 MB)
22912_EN_Profiles_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HEROES.pdf (Document, 5.1 MB)
22912_Steckbriefe_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HELDEN.pdf (Document, 5.06 MB)
24200 -DE-EN-Template Cards.pdf (Document, 36.63 MB)
24210 Quadrilla template cards.pdf (Document, 86.78 MB)
24220 DE-EN Experiment Cards.pdf (Document, 29.2 MB)
24238_Spielschule_Play_School_Zusatzmaterial.pdf (Document, 7.09 MB)
24300_Diplom_Froebelwoche_DE.pdf (Document, 1.08 MB)
24300_Diploma_Froebel week_EN.pdf (Document, 1.07 MB)
24300_Project week_Froebel.pdf (Document, 1.39 MB)
24300_Projektwoche_Froebel.pdf (Document, 1.3 MB)
24300_Quick_Start_Guide_Froebel_DE.pdf (Document, 1.97 MB)
24300_Quick_Start_Guide_Froebel_EN.pdf (Document, 1.42 MB)
24300_Weekly_plan.pdf (Document, 0.08 MB)
24300_Wochenplan.pdf (Document, 0.08 MB)
24301_Diplom_Froebelwoche_DE.pdf (Document, 1.08 MB)
24301_Diploma_Froebel week_EN.pdf (Document, 1.07 MB)
24301_Project week_Froebel.pdf (Document, 1.39 MB)
24301_Projektwoche_Froebel.pdf (Document, 1.3 MB)
24301_Quick_Start_Guide_Froebel_DE.pdf (Document, 1.97 MB)
24301_Quick_Start_Guide_Froebel_EN.pdf (Document, 1.42 MB)
24301_Weekly_plan.pdf (Document, 0.08 MB)
24301_Wochenplan.pdf (Document, 0.08 MB)
24304 Fröbel 3_Hintergrund_Wald_Unterwasser.pdf (Document, 1.65 MB)
24304 Fröbel 3_Mandala_Matte.pdf (Document, 0.95 MB)
24304 Fröbel 3_Reihen nachlegen_Bauernhof.pdf (Document, 0.98 MB)
24304 Fröbel 3_Vorlagenkarten_Tiere.pdf (Document, 3.25 MB)
24304 Malen-mal-anders-Begleitinformationen.pdf (Document, 0.58 MB)
25520_Ausmalbilder_Hexenküche.pdf (Document, 11.51 MB)
25583 DE-Spiel Ideen.pdf (Document, 2.27 MB)
25583 EN-Game ideas.pdf (Document, 3.34 MB)
25583_Ausmalbilder_Punakai.pdf (Document, 1.3 MB)
41101 Igel-Diplom_DE.pdf (Document, 2.99 MB)
41101 Little Hedgehog Diplom_EN.pdf (Document, 2.99 MB)
41101 Project week Little Hedgehog.pdf (Document, 1.46 MB)
41101 Projektwoche Igel.pdf (Document, 1.52 MB)
42047_Ausmalbilder_SAVE OUR PLANET HELDEN.pdf (Document, 1.72 MB)
42047_EN_Profiles_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HEROES.pdf (Document, 5.1 MB)
42047_Steckbriefe_SAVE_OUR_PLANET_HELDEN.pdf (Document, 5.06 MB)
62010 DE-Aussaatkalender.pdf (Document, 0.96 MB)
62010 DE-Garten Ideen.pdf (Document, 0.66 MB)
62010 DE-Pflanzkarte.pdf (Document, 0.51 MB)
62010 EN-Gardening ideas.pdf (Document, 0.66 MB)
62010 EN-planting card.pdf (Document, 0.42 MB)
62010-EN-sowing calendar.pdf (Document, 0.39 MB)
62070 DE-Vogel-Projektwoche.pdf (Document, 1.76 MB)
62070 DE Diplom Vogel-Projektwoche.pdf (Document, 0.76 MB)
62070 EN-Bird-Project-week.pdf (Document, 1.33 MB)
62070 EN Diploma Bird-Project week.pdf (Document, 0.76 MB)
64370 DE-Experimente.pdf (Document, 1.49 MB)
64370 EN-Experiments.pdf (Document, 1.06 MB)
67170-Spin & Balance - Game Ideas.pdf (Document, 4.17 MB)
67170-Spin & Balance- Plakat.pdf (Document, 13.32 MB)
67170-Spin & Balance-Spielideen.pdf (Document, 4.17 MB)