Insect knowledge and bee hotel crafting

Insect knowledge and bee hotel crafting

Insects are important animals for us and our environment. If you would like to discuss the topic of insects with your kindergarten children, we have compiled important information here for you to print out:

Insect knowledge and upcycling for a bee hotel to download and print out.


Bugs are insects and live on the whole world except near the ocean. Every bug has six legs and sensors called antennas. They could have various sizes and look very different. Many bugs eat insects and live in fields and forests.


Butterflies have a long and thin body with four big and often coloured wings. Most of the time butterflies are in fields, on grassland, in bushes or in forests. Butterflies can live nearly everywhere plants grow. They fly from flower to flower, searching for food and transporting flower dust, which is very important for the reproduction of the plants.


Flies are insects and are living on the whole world. They prefere living near humans because there they have a lot of food. Flies have two big wings and could be very small or big as a fingernail. They eat small parts from other animals or plants.


Dragonflies are insects and are living on the whole world near waters. They have large wings and can fly tight turns with it, stop in the air or fly backwards. They are catching their food during the flight.


Bees are insects and a known for produc- ing honey and pricking with their spike. They are living in beehives together with a lot of other bees. They collect nectar from flower calyxes with their trunks. The body of the bee consits of feelers, wings and the black and yellow back part.


How to DIY a bee hotel.

We make an insect hotel in a can!

  • Clean tin can
  • Decorating material ( wool, paper,...)
  • Scissors, craft glue or paste, cable ties
  • Screwdriver and a hammer
  • Pencil, masking tape, fabric

  • Tubes (bamboo tubes or tubes made of paper or cardboard are good for wild bees)
  • Butterflies like thin branches
  • Ladybirds and flea flies prefer wood wool
  • Any kind of cones are rather less suitable, but can be used to fill in gaps

Now the insects can move in!

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