"The sources of all good is in play."
It was important to Fröbel to support children‘s play with care and attention through language. “Interaction as a basic didactic principle” we would say today. Playing with Fröbel gifts is located in the field of interaction between guidance by an adult and the free work and play of the children. In the mediation between these two poles in a co-constructive learning processes helps the children to acquire knowledge.

Mit dem Fröbel Set 3 kommen die bunten Legematerialien zum Einsatz!
Die Kinder haben viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten die Legematerialien zu nutzen: Anhand Vorlagekarten und Hintergründen, Geschichten nachlegen, die die Erzieherin vorliest oder einfach frei eigene Bilder und Motive legen. Die Geschichten sind auf einem praktischen Aufsteller mit Regieanweisungen gedruckt und so kann es direkt losgehen! Die Kinder hören die Geschichten und legen frei die Szenen nach. Im Teacher Guide sind noch mehr Tipps und Informationen erhalten.
Fröbel in the 21. century
The concept of the play gifts of Friedrich Fröbel is almost 200 years old, but it still fits into current pedagogical trends. How do specialists in educational professions apply Fröbel today?

"I want to bring together what is divided – school and life must be one."
With the play gifts according to Friedrich Fröbel, the children can play both alone and in a group. You do not always have to accompany them. Let yourself be surprised what imaginative buildings can come out in free play. In order to be able to use the full depth of the gifts, we provide you with free additional material to start with immediately. Whether project week or quick start guide, let yourself be inspired by FRÖBEL by beleduc!